I just got back home from an overnight trip with my extended family. Santa Elena Clubhouse has always been our go-to place for celebrations and R&R. 💕
I mean, look at this place. I can't help but praise God for the works of His hands! 😍
le twin feeling the supah chill vibes 😎
What I wore
Old Navy polo
Debenhams swimsuit
Lily + Jones sunnies
My mom has been friends with this bunch since she was in elementary. It's amazing to see people grow together! It's always super fun with them, and we, more often than not, end up doing silly things (e.g. play patintero at 11pm in our swimsuits). I think it's because being around them has always been a safe space for me and Stacy. Our ninangs (godmothers) practically and literally saw us grow up and (hopefully) mature. Hehe. 😛
Coke 0 + whiskey
teacher-teacher time! Class is ready!☝
boodle dinner 👅💦
We surprised my mom's partner (tita Jan AKA Floofy) and one of our godmothers with a cake (which Stacy later on accidentally dropped on the grass, LELS)! 😝 Good thing Irene of Irene's Indulgence sent us two cheesecakes which we brought as contribution for potluck. Talk about bawing-bawi!!!
I've never had Quezo de Bola cheesecake this good. Don't let its small size fool you (6 inches), my sister was surprised at how heavy each cake was. It's so rich and creamy; Irene assures her customers that she only uses pure Philadelphia cream cheese for her delectable cakes. We allowed ourselves to indulge a little bit since it's a celebration (we quit sugar), and maaaaaan, it was so worth it!!!
(Irene's Indulgence: 0917 622 5800)
You might be wondering what's up with the blog title for this post. Well, I've always wanted to be a teacher, and I've always enjoyed the company of kids. I was feeling a bit sluggish during the afternoon but I saw these girls enjoying their time in the pool. I've been praying for an opportunity to share God to them, and it was really a thought that didn't go away. I was tempted to sleep but I decided to join them and swim with them. I was thinking of ways to get their attention and then I had a light bulb moment.
I asked them if they wanted to play with me, and they all enthusiastically said a big yes! I set up a quiz show type of game and gave them the rules. They were ecstatic. I asked them questions about God and the bible. They answered the first 3 correctly! I was impressed. Then for my last question, I asked, "What are the 4 gospel truths?" Most of them answered with the gospel books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), and then that's when I shared to them! *whew, it worked*
I told them to repeat after me, with matching hand gestures (I learned this from my mentor, Steph!). Kids love those kinda' thangs. 💕
1. God loves me.
2. I have sinned.
3. Jesus died for me.
4. I must decide to live for Him.
I love how the gospel is so profound yet simple enough for children to understand. I led them into prayer and they repeated after me. 💖
Matthew 18:3
Truly I say to you, unless you change and believe like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
I went out around 5 am to watch the light come in as dawn begins. What an amazing feeling to be still in the presence of God. I couldn't help but thank Him for this new appetite I have in my pursuit of the Truth. I've been losing sleep over my questions on theology and I absolutely am enjoying it. I laid in the lounge chair and listened to the birds sing worship to Him. I watched them fly above me with much grace and freedom. What a blessing it is to recharge and reconnect with loved ones.
Psalm 19:1
🌿The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.🌿
Written by Danah Gutierrez