Golden After Midnight

My family never really stays up after the strike of midnight for New Year's celebration, so Stacy and I made it an annual tradition to go out, dance, and let our freak flags fly.

For 2017's NYE afterparty, a friend from our Thursday night bible study group, Cheese, invited us to her grand and lavish ancestral home in South Forbes. I love the people in that group, they are years ahead of me, much wiser and older, yet they welcomed two 25-year-olds like we've been part of the posse long ago. It makes my soul smile when I get to connect with people with so much dignity and wisdom who are ahead of me in the School of Life. To see them go through a totally different and "advanced" season makes me learn so much about maturity and growth. 

 with the oh-so-glamorous Cheese 💛

I'm leaving you 2016, thanks for the memories. 🎈

What I wore:
Kaftan from SXY
Dress from Designer Rack Outlets (Baguio)
Necklace from F21
Watch from Rolex

with my amiga, Chippy 💙

partner in crime 5ever

I had a very insightful conversation with Chippy and her husband, Lex. They're such good people; very discerning individuals. I love how open and honest they are with their love story, and about how God really had to inevitably wake them up in order for them to start over and see clearly. I'll share more about that conversation soon. For now, here are my photos from our last stop that morning, Rocketroom!

my constants this 2016

What a delight it is when the line between friendship and sisterhood gets blurred.

Momma Joe knows how to partay! 🎉


"Ewww, I might have stepped on something gross!"

Soul sister/wifey

After midnight, I choose to be golden. I choose to let go of the things I can no longer control, events of the past that happened without my consent, and memories of people I am no longer connected with. 

I choose to embrace what's to come—the good, the bad, the ugly—for these are necessary forces to help me grow as a person, to mature in my faith, to better myself, and to continue becoming the woman God destined me to be.

2017 is the year I find the balance between guarding my heart and still being able to pour it unto others; the year I take a good look at myself so I can truly love and care for the woman staring back at me.

Here's to moving on, not necessarily starting over, because finishing strong is harder than starting anything at all.

Cheers to the messy yet beautiful 2016. Let's make 2017 a better one.

Kamusta naman artsy shots and filter ng photos ko?
Sana bet mo,



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